- a- days it is a global world. None can run his life without money . A govt. also cannot run a state without
revenue . Revenue is like blood that runs through the vein and supplies oxygen
. So several types of legal arrangements
are made to increase revenue collection. Snares are spread to suck revenue at
every phase when income is generated. More or less in every country govt.
establishes legal institution to detect tax evasion and avoidance . Income tax
is a source of revenue. It is also known
as direct tax . It helps to create social equality. So a responsible citizen
should cooperate with govt. of the country where he earns to pay taxes.
is a country which was born in 1971 through hard struggle and sacrificing a lot
of lives. It snatched away its crimson red sun after taking bath in a vast pool
of blood. It is a matter of happiness that this country is now advancing to
occupy its rightful place in the world. To keep pace with the modern world it
has opened its market, signed treaties with many countries. As a result a lot of foreigners visit her for doing
business, serving in multinational companies and in various sectors.
Bangladeshies living in many countries send remittance and contribute to the economic
development. In this democratic country
Govt. is alert to change the total scenario and image of the country by earning
more revenue and utilizing properly. This responsibility is assigned to
Ministry of Finance of which N B R is a wing. National Board of Revenue (NBR) is
a specialized organization who works for increasing revenue collection and
finding out tax avoidance and evasion. For this
necessary law and rules are existent namely Income Tax Ordinance, 1984 and Income Tax Rules. It is very necessary to know tit- bits of
taxation in Bangladesh to save money. For
example , a person may have paid tax in
another country . When he comes in Bangladesh he has to pay tax again . But in
some cases there is exception. If Bangladesh has tax treaty to avoid double
taxation with that country that taxpayer may not pay tax again .In this respect,
this blog will give you guideline . This will help the taxpayers / professionals
to get all the relevant matters at a glance.
It is written with
required information
section ,rule and SRO
necessary updates
analytical description
is free from any complexity. Eager persons are invited for open discussion. Ask
me questions and get answers within a
short time. Thanks.
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